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The Junior Ambassadors of Children's Hospital Los Angeles are kids and teens from the community who support the hospital’s life saving work. The program offers kids the
opportunity to work together and become incredible hospital representatives and fundraisers. I'm proud to have been a Children's Hospital Junior Ambassador since I was seven years old.
It’s a powerful and inspiring model of kids helping kids.
To find out more and join:
Thanks to everyone who supported my fellow CHLA
Jr Ambassadors, "The Curtis Peeps" and "Shira's Story Corner" on ACTION DAY! Together we raised $1,300 for CHLA!

All three of my Children's Books,
are still available for purchase to raise money for CHLA.
All proceeds of my books go to
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
The CHLA Jr Ambassador
ACTION DAY Event 2018

I'm very excited to announce that the Jr Ambassadors EXCEEDED the $25,000 matching challenge and raised $45,000 this year!
So together, The Jr Ambassadors, Shira's Story Corner and my family raised $70,000 for CHLA ACTION DAY!
Thanks to everyone who supported our fundraising this year!
Special Thanks to
for supporting
In June 2017 I walked in the first ever, WALK LA, with my team, "Shira's Peeps" and raised over $12,000 for CHLA!
Thanks to everyone who helped again in 2019 to raise almost $13,000!!!
I was excited to form a new team with fellow classmates and
Jr Ambassadors in 2018 called,
Thanks to everyone who donated to, "Curtis Peeps" and helped us raise MORE than $17,000 for CHLA!
Donations can be made on my WALK LA page:

The Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Toy & Book Drive 2018
I'm doing a Holiday Toy & Book Drive
for Children's Hospital Los Angeles
and made an easy link to click and donate from the "CHLA Wish List."
Just click the logo and above and
make this holiday special for a child.
You can also help the hospital if you shop on Amazon!
Click on the logo above for details on how to
choose CHLA as your charity of choice through
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